Bryan Swoboda in Hawaii
Bryan Swoboda in Hawaii
BlueCap Productions is a full-service video production company focused on documenting the mineral-collecting world.
As the son of mineral collecting pioneer Edward Swoboda, BlueCap Productions' President Bryan Swoboda grew up surrounded by minerals and mines. From running around underground with candles at the Tourmaline Queen Mine in Pala, California (which he still owns) to riding ore carts up the incline at the Amelia Mine in Santa Rosalia, Mexico, minerals were always in Bryan's life. But more than just the minerals, it was the stories that accompanied the minerals that always fascinated Bryan.
Alma Rose
Three positions of the 'Alma Rose' Rhodochrosite from the Sweet Home mine in Colorado that BCP filmed as it rotated in front of the camera
Since 2007, BlueCap Productions has been travelling the world capturing some of the most important mineral stories today. From in-depth video show reports to full-length feature films on different mineral localities to recording the many presentations going on in the mineral world, BlueCap Productions is dedicated to preserving our mineral legacy for future generations.
BlueCap Productions films include: What's Hot In Tucson (2007-2021); What's Hot In Munich (2010-2019); What's Hot In Ste. Marie (2014-2019); Sundays at the Westward Look (2007-2019); New Crystal Hunters (2008-2018); Eberhard Equit: An Intimate Talk (2009); The Dallas Symposium (2010-2019); The Adelaide Mine (2013); Pederneira: A Rainbow of Colors (2016); The Wilensky Gallery: Fura's Tears (2019); Mogok: The Legendary Valley of Rubies (2022).
Most recently, with the global travel restrictions, BlueCap Productions has turned to live streaming programs and is now producing the new, online talk show Mineral Talks LIVE in partnership with Harvard University and the Society of Mineral Museum Professionals (SMMP).
Bryan in Mogok
Bryan checking footage on location in Mogok, Myanmar